Out with the Old, In with the New!

Well, if there is any clue as to just how crazy my first year of teaching has been, I haven't posted since the first day I got in to set up my classroom. :) I was reading over my first two posts this weekend and couldn't help but shake my head and laugh. I had no clue just what was in store for me! It has been a busy year, one that has been full of challenges, but hopefully the good kind, the kind that encourages personal growth.

I have 20 second graders this year. They are a lively bunch who keep me on my toes in ways I hadn't imagined. They make me laugh every day and keep my life interesting (for sure). As with any new teacher, I am still learning what works for them. We have made a million changes this year as we have grown together as a group, and we'll probably continue to do so leading up until the end of the year. As we were leaving our December Happy Hour before break, a fellow (veteran) teacher told me that in just a few days, I would be halfway through my first year of teaching. I told her it was the nicest thing anyone had said to me all week. Ha! :) Some days I am amazed at how quickly it passed. Long days, short years, right?

Anyway! Winter break was very much needed and I am planning to come back ready and swinging for what the rest of the year will hold for us. I have done a lot of browsing over the break, trying to think ahead in how I might best meet my group's needs as we enter in to third quarter.

One of the things I plan to put into place after break is Mel D's warm fuzzy behavior management system. My group, while very lovable, are also challenging. They are also very imaginative and love "things," so I believe they will really buy into this system! I prepped all of the jars a few days ago and am still in the process of getting things labeled and ready. I also bought Mel's coupons which you can find on TPT HERE. We have been using coupons intermittently but I never found a good system for it. Hers is amazing. She may have just made my life a WHOLE lot easier. :)

Warm fuzzies in their own individual canisters! I'm starting each of my kiddos with five small ones and one large one. 

Hoping these guys work like a charm! 

Another fun project I've worked on over break has been making math bags for my early finishers. My math block has probably been the hardest part of our day since it's the very last hour. By that point, we have already been in the room for two hours after lunch and my kiddos are feeling pretty done. I have been wanting to find something that would really help me meet with a few groups, particularly my kiddos who struggle with math.  I found these on Pinterest and read up a bunch on them before purchasing. I think they are going to cure our math block and help my kids push through that last part of the day! They not only meet Common Core standards, but they are also incredibly fun and I really think the kids will love them! They are still in the process of being pieced together, but oh they have been so much fun to explore! I even love putting them together. :) You can find them here on TPT. 

All of my lamination projects. 

Completed math bags! Excited to introduce these to my second graders!

Kiva helping out with the grunt work. :) 

That's about all that I've got going on in this corner of the world. I still have to finish planning for next week, finish report cards, and do some home organizing done before we get back to school on Monday. Guess I better get on it! 

I hope your winter break has been refreshing, wonderful, and incredibly rejuvenating! Here's to an even better 2015!
